Contact - Ombud for Equal Treatment

How to contact the Ombud of Equal Treatment? Here you can find all the information on how to contuct us online, in our headquarters in Vienna or in our regional offices in rural Austria.

You would like to  contact us,  report an incident or  make an appointment for a consultation? Contact us:

Easily report an incident or get in contact for consultation (in each federal state):

Consultation and reporting of an incident0800 206 119
Monday to Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm
Friday, 9 am to 12 pm


E-mail to

You can reach us in our head office in Vienna as well as in our regional offices:

Central Office for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland
Leopold-Moses-Gasse 4/1/2
1020 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 532 02 44

Regional Office for Styria
Südtiroler Platz 16
8020 Graz
Phone: +43 316 720 590

Regional Office for Carinthia
Kumpfgasse 25
9020 Klagenfurt
Phone: +43 463 509 110

Regional Office for Upper Austria
Martin Luther Platz 3, 4th floor
4020 Linz
Phone: +43 732 783 877

Regional Office for Tyrol, Salzburg, Vorarlberg
Leipziger Platz 2
6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 512 343 032 