European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet)
The European Network of Equality Bodies (co-founded by the Austrian Ombuds Office for Equal Treatment in 2002) has 46 partner organisations in 34 European countries.
The European Network of Equality Bodies (co-founded by the Austrian Ombuds Office for Equal Treatment in 2002) has 46 partner organisations in 34 European countries.
Equinet has been set up as an international association. The EU-funded network has a small permanent secretariat in Brussels.
"Equality bodies" are national equality institutions having a mandate under EU law to provide independent advisory services and support to victims of discrimination. Moreover, they have the necessary legal powers to assist them in enforcing claims.
Providing cooperation and facilitating information exchanges among equality bodies all over Europe, Equinet promotes the uniform implementation of European equal treatment and anti-discrimination laws and improves legal protection against discrimination.
Equinet’s mission is to support the work of national equality bodies. To this end, Equinet provides a permanent network and resources for exchanging legal expertise, good practices and training seminars. Moreover, Equinet serves as a platform for dialogue with various institutions of the European Union.
The Ombuds Office for Equal Treatment is a member of Equinet